Mango Coconut Ice Cream with Passionfruit & Mint

mango ice cream recipe

mango ice cream recipe

mango ice cream recipe

mango ice cream recipe

Extremely simple to make by freezing the fruits then blending into a healthy ice cream whip with zero refined sugar. This is a great go to for a quick healthy refreshing ice cream in summer.



  1. Peel and slice the banana into smaller pieces and place into a container. Slice the mango flesh into diced pieces (skin and seed removed) and place into a container. Freeze the banana and the mango for 2 hours or more. 
  2. Place the coconut cream into a high speed blender and remove the frozen fruit from the freezer and transfer into the blender (if it has stuck to the container side just run the container under some hot water for a minute). Blend altogether until a smooth and creamy mix has formed. Adjust with extra cream if necessary. Serve in small cups or glasses and top with the fresh mint and passion fruit

Serves 2.

Recipe by Anastasia Zolotarev.


Ingredients for Mango Coconut Ice Cream with Passionfruit & Mint