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Avocado Imperfect Each

Avocado Imperfect Each

Product of
$0.70 ea
Not available on click & collect.

Avocados Imperfect Pick Value Range

Avocados have a dark green bumpy skin and soft flesh. They have a rich and mellow flavour with a thick, buttery texture. A good source of vitamins B6, E and folic acid and a useful source of vitamin C and potassium. They should be left to ripen at room temperature and is ready to serve when it yields to gentle pressure.

IMPERFECT PICKS is our seasonal range of fruit and vegetables that might not look perfect from the outside, but are as perfect as ever on the inside.

IMPERFECT PICKS helps reduce the astonishing statistic that 25% of farmers crops currently never leave the farm gate simply because they are a bit ugly, and do not meet the visual specifications of some consumers and supermarkets (Horticulture Australia).This means that every time you buy an IMPERFECT PICK you will be helping us take more of the farmer’s crops, helping reduce food wastage, and most importantly saving up to 50%.

Find out more fruit in Imperfect Pick Value Range