Caramel Banana Tatin

Rustic tatins in all their sticky glory are a great way to whip up a simple dessert. By caramelizing these Pacific Coast Eco Bananas it brings out all the wonderful banana flavours, paired with caramel and vanilla and you have a match made in heaven!


  • 3-4 Pacific Coast Eco Bananas

  • ¾ cup caster sugar

  • 1 tbsp water

  • 50g unsalted butter

  • 1 sheet spelt puff pastry (store bought)

  • 1 vanilla bean seeds scrapped

To serve:

  • 1 tbsp toasted hazelnuts roughly chopped

  • Vanilla ice cream


  1. Pre heat the oven to 180°

  2. In a heavy base ovenproof fry pan (cast ion is ideal) add the sugar and water on low to medium heat. Allow for the sugar to dissolve and melt with out stirring (8-10 minutes).

  3. Stir in the butter, vanilla bean seeds and the pod.

  4.  Slice the bananas in halves length ways. Arrange them neatly cut side down so they are tightly packed covering the base of the fry pan. Allow them to simmer in the caramel for a couple of minutes.

  5. Roughly cut the pasty out into a circle slightly larger than the fry pan.

  6. Lay the pastries over the bananas, using a butter knife tuck the pastry in at the sides.  Make two small slices in the pastry in the middle of the tatin.

  7. Bake in the oven for 30-35 minutes or until the pastry is lightly browned and puffed up.

  8. Allow to cool for a few minutes before loosening the pastry around the edges. Lay a large serving plate over the fry pan, place one hand firmly on the plate and flip. Turning the tatin out onto the plate.

  9. Serve warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and toasted hazelnuts sprinkled over the top.


Prep / cook time: 40-45 minutes

Serve: 4

Recipe, styling and photography by Bonnie Coumbe. Visit her site here & Instagram here.

Ingredients for Caramel Banana Tatin