Pick of the Week - Yellow Peaches

yellow peaches pick of the week
My pick of the week is yellow peaches. Mid-January is when peaches are at their absolute best. People often ask should they be eating peaches or nectarines, to me, January it’s peaches and by the second week in February onwards, nectarines come into their own. In fact, it’s hard to pick between the whites and yellows as to which is the better, but our growers have more yellows so that’s what we are pushing. You won’t be disappointed whichever you buy. We have a mixture of local and southern peaches on offer, they are all great eating. This hot weather is what gives the peaches their sweetness and flavour, so enjoy them now. Both the yellow and whites are well priced, great eating and fantastic value.

Look for fruit that's smooth and unblemished. If you’re looking for one to eat right away, ripe fruit will give a bit when pressed gently. Peaches bruise easily so handle with care, especially when ripe.

Store peaches at room temperature until ripe, this usually takes a few days. You can store ripe stone fruit in the crisper of the fridge to keep for longer.

→ Buy Yellow Peaches Online

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