My pick of the week are the fabulous September Candy plums we have in store. I believe that these are the best plum I have ever eaten. They are not cheap, not particularly plentiful, just really good to eat. Although not cheap they represent very good value as the stone is one of the smallest I have ever seen in that size piece of fruit. They ripen perfectly, are juicy and delicious and I cant recommend them highly enough. Customers often ask why these new stone fruit varieties have names like September Candy, October Sun etc. It is because the original variety was developed in the northern hemisphere and the fruit being in the opposite time of the year is harvested in their Autumn, hence October, September etc.
Select plums that are smooth, plump, and fairly firm with colour according to their variety. Avoid plums with signs of wrinkled or split skin.
Store at room temperature. Once ripe, they will last up to five days in the fridge and lose none of their flavour.