My pick this week is red capsicums from Queensland. Once Queensland gets underway, capsicums fall in price and improve in quality. We still have the old season from South Australia supplying the markets, but now too the Stanthorpe region and big quantities from Bundaberg have commenced.
Red capsicums all start out as green capsicums but are left on the vine longer to ripen. In this process they become red, and sweeter to eat and so are far more popular than the greens. Very high in vitamin A and C they can be used in every meal from breakfast omelettes, to lunchtime salads and of course the evening meal … be it on the barbeque, roasted, stir fried, or in casserole. Some of our family even love to consume them raw like an apple!
Pick red capsicums that are firm and glossy with a uniform colour. Avoid any capsicums that have dull or wrinkled skin, spots or blemishes.
Keep capsicums in the crisper section of your fridge for up to a week.