Pick of the Week - Tangelos

My pick this week is an older type of citrus, the tangelo. Years ago they were quite a popular line, but as more and more new and later harvested varieties of mandarins have come onto the market they are largely ignored. They are a cross between a mandarin and a grapefruit. Very easy to peel, sweet flavour.. definitely worth a try. Great in salads with fennel and red onions, they are a versatile fruit. All our stores will have a very inexpensive option either on the regular stack or as an imperfect pick this week. They are really worth a try, this is the best time of the year for good eating, good keeping tangelos. 

Select fruit that feels firm and heavy for its size, with deep orange skin. Fruit with green spots close to the stem are fine, however those with blemishes, soft spots or mould should be avoided.

Store tangelos in the fridge or at room temperature for up to 2 weeks.

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