My pick this week is red capsicums which are coming from Bundaberg and Bowen in Queensland. Volumes are really strong and the quality is fantastic, the warm weather conditions of late have been perfect for red caps. Red capsicums are very high in vitamins A and C, far more so than green capsicum. All capsicums start life as green capsicums and then ripen mostly to red and a few to an orange or a yellow colour. Hence the green are slightly bitter whereas the ripe fruit, and especially the reds, are sweeter and far richer in vitamins and nutrients.
My favourite way to eat red capsicums is stuffed with rice, herbs, spices, pine nuts, chickpeas, sumac and paprika, topped with Parmesan cheese and oven roasted.
Pick red capsicums that are firm and glossy with a uniform colour. Avoid any capsicums that have dull or wrinkled skin, spots or blemishes.
Keep capsicums in the crisper section of your fridge for up to a week.