This time of the year the old season onions from down south all start to shoot inside and go bad fairly easily. Old season onions don’t like hot humid weather. Sometimes the seasons don’t quite overlap and we need to bring onions from the United States to bridge the gap, usually only for a very short time. That did not happen this year. We are now in our second week of new season onions from the Gatton area in Queensland. This will be our onion source for the next couple of months. These onions are not as well set with firm skins so don’t look the part as the Southern onions do, but on the positive side wont shoot so quickly and are quite mild in flavour. The other bonus is that there is always a good price drop as the season progresses and so you will find Spanish onions in our stores this week at half last week’s price.
Choose firm, well-shaped onions with small necks and dry, papery skin. Avoid spongy or sprouting onions with uneven or patchy skin colouring.
Onions will keep for a long time if you store them in a cool, dry, dark place.