A question I am frequently asked is “what do you think is the best variety of mango?”. There is no set answer because different mangoes mature at slightly different times. Last week I would have said it’s a KP from Katherine. Not so this week, those KPs are now slightly past their best. It’s a bit early for Queensland fruit, they are about but not quite ripe yet. There is no doubt in my mind the best fruit this week is the Honey Gold from the Northern Territory.
Loose on our stacks we have extra-large premium fruit, they are magnificent. They look dear, but it is such large piece of fruit with a relatively small seed, that per kilo of flesh, what you’re buying is quite reasonable. As well we have mixed sizes of slightly skin blemished fruit in our imperfect offer, they are enormous value. Honey Golds have a real orange golden coloured skin and very few strings, so are great in salads and smoothies. They have plenty of life in this early stage of the season and will store well.
Use your nose - look for a fragrant tropical fruity aroma. Ripe mangoes should have a full colour and will give slightly to the touch. Avoid very soft or bruised fruit.
Unripe mangoes should be stored out of direct sun at room temperature for a few days until ripe. Once ripe, a mango should last in your fruit bowl for a few days. Never refrigerate unripe mangoes and don't store them in plastic bags as they need to breathe.