Pick of the Week - Drinking Coconuts

Young Drinking Coconuts

Drinking coconuts or young coconuts are a product that ten years ago barely were on my radar. We would sell 50 or 60 a week and very few of our customers understood them at all. This Monday just past we sold well over 5000 in a single day. The great majority of these come from Thailand, however Vietnam is making inroads into this market. The product is harvested whilst still green at between 6 and 9 months old as opposed to the traditional mature brown husk covered product that we were used to prior to this current product. The contents are a clear, slightly sweet liquid, about 2 cups full, and a soft flesh easily scooped out with a spoon. Coconut water is of course a really hot product now, high in electrolytes, low in sugar and sodium. Due to major oversupply in the Sydney markets this week we will be selling them at prices below the cost of importing them. Under refrigeration a case of nine will keep for three to four weeks. I doubt you will see these prices ever again.

Pick coconuts that feel heavy for their size, without cracks or soft spots. If you shake the coconut, it shouldn’t 'slosh' too much.

Store in the fridge, unopened.

Place a towel beneath cutting board to prevent slipping. Hold coconut on its side on top of the cutting board. Forcefully score around (2/3 of the way down) the pointed end of the coconut using the heel of a large knife. Once you get through to the water place coconut back upright and lift open the ‘lid’. Drink with a straw or poor into a glass, then use a spoon to scoop out the flesh!

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