Pick of the Week - Garlic

pick of the week - garlic
My pick this week is garlic. The product is not Australian because it is now far too late for Australian product, any still lying around would be very much at risk of either shooting or being rotten inside. The new season Australian product is two months away from starting. The importers have misjudged the market and the whole of Australia is chronically oversupplied with Mexican product.

They say it is an ill wind that blows no good, the good this week will be a bargain for our customers, below the importers' cost. Harris Farm is going to try to quit this product in the next fortnight as there is already Spanish product arriving that needs to be sold before the Australian season starts. The garlic is good and is half (and even less) in some stores than last week’s price. It will never be cheaper. Look for an absolute bargain tomorrow [30.8.17] in all our stores. You should buy a couple of months’ worth.

Pick large, plump, firm and dry heads.

Store in a cool, dark and well-ventilated place. Good quality garlic should keep for months.

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