Pick of the Week - Aussie Limes

Australian Limes - Pick of the Week (Citrus, Fruit)

It happens every year mid-January. Lemons from Australia become very scarce during this month and February and so we rely on the United States for supply, as lemon consumption has grown dramatically in the last decade. Mother Nature is clever because she then has limes to replace the lemons. All Australian, fantastic limes. They will be as cheap or much cheaper than the imported lemons over the next month. In fact, our imperfect limes this week will be half the price of the lemons and possibly even less. Don’t pay more than you need to substitute an Aussie lime for an imported lemon.

Pick fruit that is glossy green and feels heavy for its size.

Limes are sold ripe and ready to use. Store in a fruit bowl and use within a week. Refrigerate for extended storage.

Read more about the nutritional benefits of limes here.
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