Pick of the Week - Sultana Grapes

30 years ago, these lovely little grapes dominated our grape sales from late January to mid-late February. When the new school year started you knew they would be in every school lunch box. To me they have lost none of their appeal. They are sweet, tasty and very good value. These days, the majority of this crop is dried for, as you would think, dried sultanas. However, for four weeks or so this beautiful little grape will be fresh in our stores as an alternative to the larger modern varieties of white seedless grape. Take a trip down memory lane, I don't think you will regret it.

When buying grapes, choose firm, plump clusters that are securely attached to their stems. Stems should be green and fresh. Check for the silvery coating or natural bloom that protects the fruit’s freshness.

To keep grapes fresh, store them in an airtight container or in a sealed plastic bag in the fridge. If eaten slightly chilled, they will be slightly crispier. For longer lasting grapes, always rinse them just before use.

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