Pick of the Week - Aussie Red Capsicums

Red bell capsicums, are closely related to hot chillies, but are not hot to eat. They are glossy, smooth-skinned, and blocky. Their thick walls enclose a large hollow and segments which seeds are attached to.

One red capsicum contains the equivalent of about two teaspoons of natural sugar, making them more popular for flavour than other capsicums. Capsicums ripened on the plant are sweeter and more fragrant, with red being the sweetest.

Red capsicums contain a higher vitamin A and C content than green and yellow capsicums. Red capsicums are also rich in beta carotene which the body converts to vitamin A, an excellent source of vitamin E and a good source of folate (one of the B vitamins).

Select red capsicums which are firm, with glossy, unwrinkled skin. Avoid dull looking capsicum with soft spots or blemishes.

Store capsicums in the vegetable crisper or in a plastic bag in the refrigerator and use within a few days.

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