Top Regen Ag Tips and Resources for our Customers

We have been and always will be for the ‘Greater Goodness’.  Customers often ask us what we are doing to help our planet, our community, and the way we operate in our shops.  Well, we took a deep dive and brought on board all sorts of Sustainability experts…and what did we discover? Well, our biggest impact on the earth is not the packaging we choose or the light bulbs we change…it’s HOW we grow our food. What?! It’s true.  Everything else pales in comparison.  So, by all means we will continue our ‘War on Waste’ and keep reducing our electricity usage- we just signed up to be on fully renewable energy by 2022.  Giddiup!  

Our main focus is to get carbon back where it belongs…in the soil of course! Creating the system that will naturally pull carbon out of the atmosphere all while reversing climate change, relies heavily on how we grow our food.  But the agricultural industry doesn’t have to be the bad guy in this story…it’s actually the solution or what we call the ‘soilution.’   

Regenerative Agriculture or Regen Ag is not just for farmers.  You can be a part of this movement, too! Join us as we have made our commitment to creating healthier soil and a healthier food system.  To help you out, we’ve made a list of a few (well 10) fun tips we’ve come across while on our Regen travels.  Some of them are straight from our fabulous Regen Farmers themselves. If you’re a supplier who has found your way here by all means stay and have a cuppa.  But we’d also love to share with you our other list…Top Regen Tips for Suppliers…here.  It’s a hand-picked, custom made list for the wonderful growers and producers of our Aussie land.  

If you’re one of our fabulous eco-warriors wanting to know what more you can do to make the planet a better place then have a gander at these top, climate change reversing, tips… 


  1. Brush up on your carbon knowledge…Barbell Food dudes absolutely recommend The Soil Story to start with.    
  2. Make some popcorn, nestle in and give your soil a big smooch.  Or better yet watch the Netflix documentary, Kiss the Ground. It’s one of those ‘tell your friends about it’ docos.   
  3. Get lost in a Kiss the Ground’Regen worm hole and follow this link to their many many resources on how to be more Regen.   
  4. Come back to Aus and watch ABC’s Australian Story on Regen legend Charles Massy.  Or if your a book worm, read his hugely inspiring Regen book- Call of the Weed Warbler.  Either way you’ll be inspired to take action and ask the food industry “How was my food grown?” 
  5. Join the revolution- the The Compost Revolution that is!  These guys are the absolute compost gurus.  Ever wondered how on earth to get a compost started at your home or apartment?  Well, these guys are pretty awesome.  They have every type of compost bin under the sun and they’ll help you choose the right solution…sorry ‘soilution.’  
  6. Two Harris Farm passions = Gut health and soil health…are these two related? Just ask triple board certified US Doctor…Zach Bush MD.  Its hard not to be passionate about healthy food and healthy soil after deep diving into this amazing podcast.   
  7. Soil is living! We need to feed it.  So, get your hands dirty and start to regenerate your own garden today with SoilbioticTM.  It’s made using Harris Farm food waste but don’t worry it’s fully composted- so no bad odours here.  Just soil loving goodness.    
  8. Wrap your ears around Charlie Arnott’s podcast, The Regenerative Journey. Each episode, Charlie chats to a different guest about their Regen story.    
  9. Shop Regen and buy Mulloon Creek Natural Farm Eggs where ALL proceeds go to their not-for-profit charity that supports Regenerative Agriculture or donate directly here- The Mulloon Institute.  
  10. Start your own veggie patch! An edible garden is a living garden.  Truly, you’ll never want to leave it.  And we’ve got your back if it all goes pear-shaped! The better we understand what it takes to grow the beautiful food we eat, the more likely we will tackle some of the biggest issues we’re facing today- climate change, too much food wastage and the resilience of our farming communities, let alone our own.   


So how can we help the soil heal? The answer is- the soil is already trying to heal itself through its own measures.  If we look for these signs of healing, we can find out what the soil needs.  

Humans don’t have to be the bad guys when it comes to soil health.  And don’t forget, healthy soil is one of the best ‘soilutions’ to reversing climate change.  Regen delivers this promise like a knight in shining armour.  

It’s not an overnight fix but it’s incredible what nature can do when you work with it rather than against it.  At Harris Farm Markets we are backing Regen and we hope to inspire you to do so, too.   

It really is all in the soil, to find out more, click here

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