Dave's Market Update & Pick of the Week QLD- Broccolini- 3 April 2024

Dave's Market Update

In Veg

“A glorious Easter weekend has led to huge demand in our industry this week. Many farmers are cautious to pick and dispatch their product after a long break such as Easter or Christmas.

Firstly, it’s difficult to get pickers and secondly transport can be disrupted, particularly with veg. So, we don’t have too much product and the only real bargain in this category are Lebanese cucumbers and a combination of broccoli and broccolini, one or the other being on special in all our stores.

Finally, we have an excellent line of coriander in our NSW stores at half last week’s price.”

In Fruit

“Fruit on the other hand at this time of the year can be picked and stored, the transport is of less concern. Grapes and plums are the two of the most popular options. Grapes have a huge range from some very good bags of red seedless grapes at a quite reasonable price through to our premium loose white seedless Autumn Crisp grapes which have been absolutely fantastic.

For plums, we are getting near the end of season. Also, we have different plums available in different shops, all good eating fruit.

In apples, Kanzi and Galas remain my first choice and we are near the end of what has been a fantastic Williams pear season, we will soon transition to Packhams.

Limes and lemons remain plentiful and there are still heaps of avocados available. Another very good fruit week coming up.

- David Harris

Dave's Pick of the Week

“Often referred to as baby broccoli.. this is not correct. It is actually a hybrid product developed first in Japan about 30 years ago and it has grown in popularity in Australia over the twenty or so years since it was first introduced here.

In fact, many consumers prefer broccolini to broccoli. It is the sweeter of the two, has a very mild flavour and you do not waste any of it. It is a cross between broccoli and Chinese broccoli. Strongly plant right protected, many imitators have tried to grow a similar product but none of them have got it quite as good, with the imitation products often not tasting as good and equally as often not keeping as well. 

As they say when you are on a good thing, stick to it!"

- David Harris


Look for bright green florets and firm stems. Keep in a sealed plastic bag in the fridge and use within a week.


Keep in a sealed plastic bag in the fridge and use within a week.

- David Harris


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