Dave's Market Update
In Veg
“School holidays reduces demand for most fruit and veg and so prices are mostly flat or easing or on the verge of easing.
Tomatoes especially are suffering and we are seeing cheaper Truss than we have seen for weeks. And in gourmets too, prices are back especially our imperfect line. The glut of mushrooms continues as does broccolini.
We have an excellent well priced line of red washed potatoes this week and Lebanese cucumbers will be cheap by the weekend"
In Fruit
"As mentioned in my pick, this week is the start of the annual berry tsunami. They are all getting cheaper, all superb quality and all starting to ease in price. Maybe not strawberries just yet, however they also will as surely as night follows day.
Apples continue to be fantastic, if you haven’t tried our new variety , Cosmic Crisp, then do your taste buds a favour and do so this week. In the meantime, citrus is also excellent eating and fantastic value."
- David Harris
Dave's Pick of the Week - Berries
"It’s a real berry feast this week. Blueberries are now in full swing! We have a choice between smaller good eating fruit from the traditional growing areas around Coffs harbour and the larger fruit from north Queensland. They are both good and this is the start of a great season.
As well, the strawberries are fantastic and will flush and get cheaper as the days get warmer. Blackberry supplies are increasing and raspberries also are well supplied."
- David Harris
Recipe Inspiration