We’re pleased with the overwhelming responses we have received for the ‘Coloured by You’ comp and soon our Friends of the Farm will help us choose which designs will be printed in our next range of tote bags for each Harris Farm Store.
Not a Friend of The Farm? Sign up here: and we’ll let you know when voting is open.JOIN OUR BAG COMP & WIN $100 OF GROCERIES ON US
To celebrate Harris Farm being coloured by nature, help us to colour our next tote bag range by drawing your fave fruit & veg in a composition you’d love to own on a tote. So, get out your fruity creativity or patterned plant forms for a chance to have your design printed on our next Harris Farm tote range. For a chance to be a local stand out we’d love you to also integrate the name of your local Harris Farm store (i.e. Harris Farm Lindfield) or just Harris Farm into the design.
There will be 26 winners in total, one per each Harris Farm store.
Each selected design as voted by our Friends of the Farm will WIN $100 OF GROCERIES ON US and have their drawings printed on our next range of tote bags.
Download our online entry form now or grab one at the registers of your local store.
- Your design should be completed on a plain full sheet of A4 paper with the downloaded entry form supplied on an additional page (2 pages) or you can draw within the frame provided on the A3 entry form available at registers at your local Harris Farm store.
- Make sure you fill out all your personal details requested on the entry form
- Use coloured markers (textas) to create and colour your drawing. Designs finished with pencils, crayons or pens won’t be accepted.
- Your drawing should comprise of a mix of fruit and/or veg or a pattern of them. Use your creativity but stick within this fruity theme.
- We encourage you to integrate Harris Farm and your local store suburb into the design (i.e. Harris Farm Lane Cove).
- All entries must be received by 12th March 2023.
- You can submit your drawing entry either…
IN STORE: Simply grab an entry form at the checkouts of your local Harris Form store and return it with your drawing finalised and personal details completed. You can also download an A4 entry form from this page and return it with your drawing (2 sheets).
ONLINE: Fill out our online form with your details by clicking on the button below and upload a full sized high resolution colour scan of your drawing. The store collected A3 Form can also be online scan submitted if preferred but must be a full size scan of the inside pages.
Thanks for all your entries!
Terms & Conditions
Competition starts 15/02/23 & ends 12/03/23. To be eligible to enter individuals must, during the competition period either: (a) return their completed entry forms to their local Harris Farm store (b) submit it online on Entries must follow the competition theme and specifications and be coloured and finished with coloured markers (drawings made with pencils, crayons or pens won’t be accepted). Limited to 1 entry per person. All entrants permit to being signed up to the Harris Farm Database as a requirement of entry. Initial judging process will be conducted by Harris Farm Markets Pty Ltd of Warehouse W, Sydney Markets, Flemington NSW 2129 at 12pm AEST 20/03/23. The Promoter will be responsible for selecting drawings/entries and making them available online for voting by Harris Farm Friend of the Farm customers to choose 26 winners (one per store). Selected entries will be disclosed on our EDMs and social channels on 29/03/23 and winners announced on 05/04/23. Prize: 26x $100 gift card (one per winner) to be used in any Harris Farm store, including online store, for the period of 3 years. Each winner will also have their drawing printed on Harris Farm Tote Bags commercialised at Harris Farm stores (immeasurable). Promoter is Harris Farm Markets Pty Ltd (ABN 79 093 040 754) of Warehouse W, Sydney Markets, Flemington NSW 2129.
For full Terms & Conditions click here.