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Dave's Market Picks Fruit and Veg Box XL

Dave's Market Picks Fruit and Veg Box XL

Product of
$80.00 ea
Not available on click & collect.

Dave's Market Picks Fruit and Veg Box will be ever changing due to current market availability. You'll get the best balance of value and quality in this perfectly selected offering of the market's very best.


Capsicum Red Organic 350g
2 Orange Navel Large Premium Each
3 Apple Granny Smith Premium Small Each
Melon Watermelon Seedless Cut Quarter
3 Cucumber Lebanese Each
5 Pear Imperfect Each
3 Tomato Imperfect Each
Grapes Black Seedless min 1kg
5 Squash Gold Imperfect Each
2 Corn Loose Each
Carrot Small Prepack 500g
2 Fuyu Fruit Each
5 Banana Each
5 Avocado Shepard Greenskin Small Each
Brussels Sprout min 500g
Tender Stem Baby Broccoli Bunch
2 Sweet Potato Imperfect Kumera Each
2 Lemon Premium Each

Pick of the Week - Premium Lemons

“We are in full swing with Queensland lemons while southern and local lemons are only a couple of weeks away. 

This week, we have fabulous quality, bargain priced lemons on offer in all Harris Farm stores. Buy up big and then next time you require lemons, there will be plenty of locals to satisfy your needs. It amazes me how many lemons we sell now, far more than was common in the past and this trend is worldwide! " 

 David Harris 


Shepard’s don’t go black on the skin as they ripen, you must judge the ripeness by the feel of the fruit. Pick avocados which give gently when pressed on the top end.


Store unripe fruit at room temperature. Once ripe, store in the fridge.

Dave's Market Update

In Veg

"Not a lot happening in the vegetable area this week. Best value is in tender-stem baby broccoli (broccolini), pre-pack carrots. Imperfect Kumera and corn which is still fantastic eating, my favourite veg at the moment.

For something a bit different this week, the NSW stores have a terrific line of imperfect squash at a bargain price. Brussels sprout have eased in price and will be on my shopping list from now on.”

- David Harris

In Fruit

“The big story in fruit this week is the massive glut of QLD lemons on the market. This has resulted in prices this week around a quarter of those prevailing a couple of weeks ago.

The green skin Shepards avocados are now eating fantastically and honestly cut like butter. Bananas have stabilised and fallen in price and post the floods up north, they will be on special in all HFM stores this weekend. Fuyu are eating well and reasonably priced.

What is really amazing to me is the flood of new varieties of grapes that are hitting the market. We have been loving the white loose grapes and the sapphires in the blacks but this week, we have two more new black varieties. In NSW, it’s the Candy Crunch and in QLD it’s the Adora variety. You won’t find these in your local grocery outlet, there are not enough around as yet, they are dearer but really fantastic eating.

*The Box pictured is for illustration purposes and may contain different/varying products due to seasonal variations & current market availability.

Contents updated 12pm on 19/03/2025