Pick of the Week - Kanzi Apples

kanzi apples harris farm

My pick of the week is Kanzi apples. Kanzi is my favourite amongst the many new apples we now grow in Australia. Developed in Belgium they are a natural cross between Gala and Braeburn, very similar parentage to the Jazz apple. The season runs from mid-March to late July. There are now 75 growers farming the variety, I think it is a very good apple with the best of the best of them coming from Batlow, an area that I have bought many of the finest apples we sell for nearly 50 years. They are a naturally large apple, very dense, with a really crisp texture and excellent flavour.

Choose firm fruit - the flesh of the apple should not easily give way to finger pressure. 

To keep your apples fresher for longer, store them in the fridge.

→ Buy Kanzi Apples Online

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