Dave's Pick of the Week - Fennel

Dave's pick of the week for the 6th of July 2022 is Fennel which is at a great price in all Harris Farm stores.

My pick of the week is fennel. There is an abundance of excellent quality fennel coming out of Werribee, Victoria. Fennel is a hardy crop that favours the cold and isn’t averse to a bit of rain.

Priced very well this week, it’s an ideal herb for those that don’t often use it but may want to try something new.

Widely grown and eaten in the Mediterranean, it is ideal in salads, soup, barbequing, and grilling. Great with fish and meats and even with pasta. The entire fennel plant is edible, from the bulb to the fronds.

How to Pick

Pick bulbs that are large, plump, and white.

How to Store

Fennel will happily live in the fridge for a week.

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