Pick of the Week - Western Australian Hass Avocados

Hass avocados is one variety with coarse pebbly skin that turns purplish-black as they ripen.

Avocados are a perennial fruit and this Australian premium produce is available all year round because of the widespread and climatically diverse growing regions. Although the fruit we are enjoying now are from Western Australia, they are also grown in Queensland, NSW, South Australia, Victoria, and Tasmania.

Avocados are full of nutrients. They are a good source of fibre, folate, vitamin K, vitamin E, vitamin C and potassium. They are one of only a few fruits to contain good fat - the type that keeps you healthy. It’s a source of essential fatty acids and is mostly the same kind of healthy fat found in olive oil.

Hass avocadoes that are green and firm are often four to five days away from being ripe - depending on the weather. If buying a ripe avocado to eat on the same day, look for those with almost black skin that yield to gentle pressure at the stem end.

Store at room temperature until ripe. A cut avocado should be sprinkled with lemon or lime juice, placed in an air-tight container or simply wrapped in cling wrap and placed in your refrigerator. They should be eaten within a day or two.

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