The new season Queensland strawberries are definitely the best value, best eating, best flavoured strawberries of the year. Strawberries provide essential nutrients and minerals including fibre, potassium, vitamin C and powerful antioxidants such as anthocyanins, quercetin and ellagic acid. They are low in calories (about 45 per serve – a serving size of strawberries is one cup) and eight strawberries also contains more vitamin C than one orange.
The perfect strawberry should be fully coloured, firm, bright, plump and shiny. Size plays no part in determining the perfect strawberry. In fact, small strawberries are equally as sweet and juicy as large ones. Make sure the cap (calyx) is attached, green and fresh-looking.
The moisture content of strawberries is high, so always remove fruit from punnets and place (unwashed) in a large container lined with absorbent paper. Strawberries are best stored at 4°C, either uncovered or loosely covered. Serve at room temperature. Only remove their caps after washing and just prior to use.