My pick of the week this week is definitely new season Shepard avocados. These are the first avocados of the year and are grown in tropical north Queensland. They represent about 10 percent of the avocado crop in Australia and are only available for a short time. They are fantastic to eat, probably my favourite of the year. Because they don’t go black (hence why we often describe them as 'greenskins'), you cannot select them for ripeness by sight. Rather, you need to give them the squeeze test which involves gently squeezing the stem end to see if it gives a little. If so, the fruit is no more than a day from ripe. If there is no give at all, then longer until ripe. This tropical fruit like all other tropical fruit should not really go in the fridge, and if you do need to only when it is fully ripe. No tropical fruit ripens well, or even keeps well in the fridge.
Shepard’s don’t go black on the skin as they ripen, you must judge the ripeness by the feel of the fruit. Pick avocados which give gently when pressed on the top end.
Store unripe fruit at room temperature. Once ripe, store in the fridge.