In Veg
The red hot special this week is Brussels sprouts. Very unusual for this quality to be this cheap in May. The other big price fall is with fennel.
Imperfect kumera continues to be inexpensive and very good quality while pumpkin is easing in price. Beans started to fall in price and we will have great tickets on these by the weekend. Green caps are great value as are shallots. Also, great value are imperfect tomatoes at a time when truss are fairly dear.
The weather is cooler but supplies keep rolling in in large numbers, looks like a very good winter, especially compared to last year.
In Fruit
Largely unchanged from last week. Imperial mandarins remain our top line, May is their month and we are right in the thick of it. Last week, we also pushed Kiwi Gold and they are selling fantastically. By the end of this week, we will be selling G Max avocados, a greenskin variety that follows the Shepard variety. They are larger than the Shepards, are far better keeping, and have better flavour than the Hass that arrive at this time - so naturally they will be a little dearer than the Hass.
All the grapes are still available. However, my first choice would be the red seedless variety. In apples, the Pink Ladies are fantastic, this weekend, we have a line of smaller lunch box Ambrosias that are worth a try. Lemons are plentiful, and the first of the Australian navels will be in stores this week.