Dave's Market Update - 1.4.20

Don’t go past our imperfect section this week without having a look. As well as the Williams pears that we have been selling, we have an amazing offer with both avocados and lemons this week. We expect the lemons to be fantastic value for Easter this year to go with the traditional seafood feast that we will be having - albeit with a smaller group! All berries have eased back again this week, but as with last week, I think strawberries, raspberry and blackberries are probably better than the blueberries. Apples, pears and grapes are all fantastic and the quantities of Australian pomegranates arriving  at the markets continues to grow. 


As with fruit, can I recommend you have a look at the imperfect section of our shops this week. Kumara, zucchini, Roma tomatoes and eggplant are all outstanding value. I am delighted to say that all of our asparagus this week is Australian; we should help the locals when we can! Red caps, corn and all cucumbers are cheap and getting cheaper this week. Tomatoes have eased, and there are some good snacking tomato options in store again this week.

The collapse of the food service industry has seen all sorts of restaurant lines oversupplied and as a result, we will have a fantastic special on Zucchini flowers this week across all stores.  Over the next few weeks, look for other lines like this! in the coming weeks. One question I am regularly concerns fresh Ginger. People who know Ginger will not buy the new season, softer no skin Ginger that many of the supermarkets are trying to sell. They tell me no matter what the price difference (it can be double) they will happily pay the difference to secure the old season traditional hard shinned ginger. 

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